
Quote of the Day

Random EMT: "Man, we picked up this guy today, he was a straight up gangsta."

Me: "How so?"

Random EMT: "HIV, Hep A and B, Shot SIX TIMES in the spine, gang tattoos everywhere, history of heroin and cocaine use, crazy stuff."

Me: "That's pretty intense."

Random EMT: "Yeah, I wanted to like ask him for a war story and write it down in a book or something."

Me: "So why didn't you?"

Random EMT: "Oh, because he couldn't talk. Probably has to do with being shot in the spine six times."

It's official. I love my job, I love [most of] the people that work there, and I love the workout I get every day. Not to mention that the battle wounds I get are pretty sexy (they so get me the guys...) and I get a lot to write about (soon, I promise).

Take care out there,


Epijunky said...

Okay, I don't know who random emt is, but that is some funny shit right there :)

Tori said...

Random EMT is awesome. And so is the gangsta...

Rogue Medic said...

It's all in the delivery. :-)

Evil Transport Lady said...

Hehehehe:) Glad you like your new job:)

It'll give us even more good things to read;)
Stay safe:)

Catherine said...

Love the gangstas...

Anonymous said...

Seems that you are having quite a bit of fun...just stay safe out there in the streets...be blessed...